Saturday, April 28, 2012

Duke of Earl

Something amazing happened yesterday. I have mentioned that I had been forcing Earl Grey upon myself, and my new rule was, if I was going to be so extravagant as to treat myself to a THIRD cup of tea in a day, the third cup had to be The Grey Earl. After work, I came home and poured myself a cup of ambition... then, I went about my business, tea in tow.... I was doing a little bit of this, a little bit of that, take a sip of tea, do a little more of this, etc..... and it was only when I had about 2 sips of tea left in my gigantic tea cup that I remembered, "Holy crow! I've drank an entire cup of Earl Grey... and I didn't even notice its badness!!!" Which means that I didn't suffer at all! Which means the Earl's Ass is Mine! It only took about 7 cups of Earl Grey to go from being disgusted by it's awful aroma and terrible taste to become completely indifferent to it! Hence, I have mastered what my husband insists is "the most important thing" for me to learn to embrace. And I am sure that when life gives me Earl Grey, I'll be able to Embrace the Earl.
As you can see, I am enthusiastically embracing my new title!

However, not everything lately has been a smashing success. Last time I was at the Farmer's Market, I bought an "heirloom pink grapefruit," which was described as having a "sweet aftertaste." I figured this would be a lovely stop on my path to becoming a Lover of All Things Grapefruit! After procrastinating for a week, I finally decided it would be my breakfast today. And since this was apparently a mild and sweet grapefruit, I just dug right into it, naked (the grapefruit, not me!).... uh, yeah. If by "sweet aftertaste" they ACTUALLY meant "Bitter aftertaste", then I guess it wasn't false advertising! I have been racking my brain to remember if the sign actually employed ironic quotation marks, and it actually said "Sweet" Aftertaste. But I don't think so. I think they just told lies, lies, lies, yeah.
Here are the farmers that sold me the grapefruit. Their lies are gonna get them!
It has been about a month since my last progress report... I will break down my recent accomplishments and current struggles for you all some time this weekend!

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