I am very proud! I have a good friend who lives in Spain. She is one of only a handful of vegans that I know (and amazingly, we are the same age... most people fall off the Vegan Wagon long before they reach age 39!)... and when she heard about my quest, she decided to try it too! Yesterday, she was ecstatic to report that she had officially conquered EVERYTHING that she used to have an issue with (including peas, peppers, cilantro and the toughest one for her, cucumber) and that he life has been changed! She is a Spaniard who had never eaten Gazpacho until yesterday... why would she eat it, as it would most likely contain bell peppers and cucumber? But she loved it!
I hereby declare that my friend in Spain is The Winner Vegan Woman of 2012! |
This is part of the reason I decided to blog about my process here! Of course, I wanted to challenge myself to like new foods, because I wanted to improve my life by ridding myself of pickiness.... and my life has honestly been greatly improved! But I didn't just keep it to myself, because I was hoping to get other people to get over themselves as well. And I've heard back from several others that they have tried to be more open minded about food. My husband has been a champion, learning to eat everything from beer to mustard to avocados to sweet potatoes, in an act of solidarity with me. And I know I have gotten 1 person to not hate lima beans any more (now, I just need to convince him to start liking mushrooms.....). And perhaps my personal favorite is that I shamed another friend into never again opting to drink a vodka martini! It's gin only for him from now on! :-)
Anyway, these things make me happy!
Unfortunately, THESE THINGS make me very unhappy!
As promised, I bought another package of the dreaded seaweed snacks, and I am on a strict regimens of eating 1 snack every day. I've had 2 so far. I was hoping that the wasabi flavoring would make it somehow more palatable to me. Alas. I gagged, but only slightly, on my 1st seaweed snack. However, I had a tougher time with my 2nd seaweed snack, and I almost had to spit it out!!! But I'll keep at it..... :-/
Ooooh just read this today! thanks for the award :D